Girl running
Looking at runbit app

Use Runbit at school!

Teach students how maps work, use for orientation or just motivate students to develop healthier habits.

Over 100 schools are using Runbit

Today, 100 schools use runbit in Sweden. It takes just under 10 minutes to start using Runbit in teaching.

For all grades

Runbit is very easy to use and is available for Android, iPhone and iPad.

Advantages with groups

Challenge each other

Group members can challenge each other in various activities.

Unlimited members

Each group has no limit on members, and you can join as many groups as you want.

What is required to get started?

A Runbit account

You as a teacher need an account to manage groups and to be able to invite students. Several accounts can administer the same group.

Create one or more groups

Sign in with your account and create a group in the app. Either for the whole school or maybe for each grade. You can also invite other teachers to the group.

Girl holding a phone showing the runbit app

Does the app require internet?

Runbit needs internet access to show the map, load missions, to save, and to check that the user has the right to use the app free of charge. It is possible to use Runbit without internet if you have created an assignment on Wifi before, but we still recommend having access to the internet when the app is used. The app normally uses less than 1 megabyte per hour if the map has been loaded before.

Is iPad supported?

Runbit can be run on an iPad without any problems. We recommend using an iPad that supports SIM cards as devices that only have WiFi do not have GPS. If the app is only to be used on the school's iPad, we recommend buying Kartjakt instead. Kartjakt is a simpler version of Runbit that does not require accounts and has better support for iPads and can be used completely without internet if it is started on Wifi once.

Some students don't have a phone

We are aware that not all students have access to their own smartphone and in that case we recommend using Runbit in groups that share smartphones. The app works just as well in sports class as at home. It is not uncommon for parents to install the app to take the whole family out for a walk as homework to develop some positive habits.